Extreme obesity

"advanced" obesity classes?

How obese would I be at 830 lbs? What is my BMI? Is there a higher degree of obesity than mine?
1 month

"advanced" obesity classes?

Great BMI calculator. I didn’t think there were categories beyond obese (30 and above). Kind fun to see I’m Super Obese. And getting close to hyper obese, though I feel like that category should probably be a of a heavier bar. At 350 idk if I’ll feel “hyper obese”

Fuck. Hyper obesity. I'm interested to see what size you feel as you approach
1 month

"advanced" obesity classes?

Hyper Obese, class 6! I’ll celebrate with a feast from McDonald’s on my drive home!😋
4 weeks

"advanced" obesity classes?

I am still only considered obese BMI 37. Struggling to get back to being morbidly obese. But now I see another classification of super obese (over 50 BM ) and now I want to shoot for that.I
4 weeks

"advanced" obesity classes?

Aw I'm 37.5 so only obese smiley I want a fancy title too!🤣 guess that's a new goal then
4 weeks

"advanced" obesity classes?

Funny, BMI is nonsense medically. Like 30 is "obese?" Goofy nonsense. And yet- the fatter you get, the more accurate it gets in describing what a monument of lard you've come.

My lady is pushing 75 BMI. A scale classified her as "Stage VI- Hyper Obese"!!! At my proportions I'd need to break 550 pounds to match her!
3 weeks

"advanced" obesity classes?

Hyper obese [Class VI] - 95% percentile

wow, and i lost a little weight this year! lol!
3 weeks

"advanced" obesity classes?

Morbid obese [Class IV] for me, currently.
2 weeks
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